The Artist

Paula Bivar de Sousa Carichas

Is a Portugues artist, born in 1989, has a level 4 professionalization in cerâmics from Artistic Highschool António Arroio, followed by her degree in Drawing at Faculty of Fine-Arts (Universidade de Lisboa).
Is a post active member of The Lisbon Studio, where she participated in the Comics series TLS SERIES -Silencio with her short story "Tempo", while working as a freelance ilustrator for Archaeology Articles and History books and as a professional portrait artist.
Is currently teaching painting and drawing at Escola de Belas-Artes Pedro Serrenho while completing her Masters Degree on Drawing, with a focus on archaeological-drawing at  Faculty of Fine-Arts (Universidade de Lisboa).

Contact me:

+351 911 985 393

3 comentários:

  1. Liiiindo
    Tenho visto alguns desenhos e estou maravilhado. Lembras-te de mim. Celso kung fu Amadora...

  2. Adorei o blog!!
    A anatomia está espetacular, mesmo. Adoro os desenhos mais virados para o fantástico.
    Encontrar um portfólio online que não seja só o mesmo material é raro.
